Week 1: Introduction to Python | Language Advantages and applications | Download and Install Python 3 Latest Version | First Program

Week 2: Syntax - Indentation & Comment | Variables and basic types | Input and Print Indentations/Comments String and int input() print()

Week 3: Variables and basic types, Arithmetic & Logical operators Recap of String and int Floating point, Boolean + - * / % ** < > <= >= == !=

Week 4: If...Elseā€¦Elif statements

Week 5: Loops - for, while

Week 6: Loops - for, while | Break and Pass Statement

Week 7: Functions

Week 8: Functions

Week 9: Lists and List functions

Week 10: Tuple & Dictionary

Week 11: Dictionary & Set

Week 12: Libraries, packages, modules

Week 13: Builtin packages - sys, math, random, datetime

Week 14: Practice Problems/Quiz